St John The Baptist Church

Information for newcomers and answers to frequently-asked questions

A warm welcome awaits...

Sedlescombe Parish Church will provide you with a warm welcome to any of our services and events, whether you are a regular, a newcomer, or someone who hasn't been to church for many years.

On this page, we try to give you an idea of what to expect, and answer any questions you may have.

If you have any questions which are not covered here, please feel free to contact us using our form, or call us on the number listed on our contact page.


What to expect

If you've never been to church before, are new to the area, or have not attended a service in a long while, it's understandbly a little daunting to come along for the first time. However, rest assured that you will be warmly welcomed and not forced to take part in anything you don't wish!

As you come in to the church before the service, you'll be given a service sheet which will list each part of the service, and what the congregation will say. You'll also be handed a book of hymns, so you can join in singing (or not!) as you feel comfortable. The congregation are always instructed as to when they need to stand (if able to do so), and when to sit. So, throughout the service, you will not have to guess what to do or say at any point.

After the service, tea and coffee will usually be servered and you are welcomed to join. It is a chance to meet others in the congregation, to introdouce yourself and to learn more about your fellow worshipers. But, if you'd prefer to head off once the service concludes, you won't be pressured into staying. It's always your choice how involved you'd like to be.


Frequently-asked questions

Our Sunday services start at 10:30am. On the first Sunday of each month, we have a family service, which is a little more relaxed. It is ideal for families, but anyone can attend. We will sing hymns, hear readings and take a blessing. After the service, tea and coffee is served and you're welcome to stay and chat with others.
Every other Sunday, a Communion service is held. Similar to the family service, the Communion service has communion at its heart(WORK)
We welcome children to all our services, but if you're not sure, why not attend our Family Service on the first Sunday of each month, which is a less formal service?
There is no dress code; come in whatever you feel comfortable wearing. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in slacks and a casual shirt, or even jeans. We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God.
Not at all! You are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you. We aim for visitors to feel at ease just listening in to the hymns, readings and prayers. We want you to feel at home and enjoy the service.
Each of our Sunday services, apart from the first Sunday of each month, includes Communion. Everyone is invited to join a queue to take bread and wine at the front of church. We invite all who are baptised in the name of Jesus to share the bread and wine. If you would like prayer instead, please keep your hands down when the bread and wine are offered. If you just want to watch what is happening, you are also welcome to remain seated, it is entirely your choice.
We strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. We greet each other so everyone feels welcomed; we share announcements and church news; we sing and listen to our wonderful organist perform beautiful music; we share the congregation’s joys and concerns and lift them to God in prayer; we hear readings from the Bible and talk about it through the sermon; and we take communion weekly.